This study grew out an intuition, that the discussion of the future development of the Netherlands, and in particular the Randstad and Green Heart, were acquiring a circular quality because they were too narrow based.

And not only too narrowly based, but also mired in ideological viewpoints that related to Housing or Urban Planning generally, that is Housing or urban Planning in the abstract internationally, without reference to the unique reality of the Dutch urbanism and infrastructure specifically. By recovering what we have at present abandoned to hydraulic engineers and cartographers I found both a mystery, the courage and foresight of claming this confrontational zone and a history of self invention by infrastructure.  

And in this missing information, information absorbed, forgotten and delegated, I found not only confirmation for the general trajectory of our urban, economic and infrastructural discussions but also clues for future decisions and directions.

Here is an urgent argument for incorporating into our urbanistic lexicon this insistent layer of information, in essence a missing link, that it can be argued has as much, if not more importance than the survey maps of present reality for the formulation of our future decisions

The story of the Netherlands is the story of taking what is implied and inventing it as a reality. What is unique to us is the clarity and completion with which our physical reality is pure invention: a country whose heartland is in an ambiguous shifting zone which is impossible to inhabit without infrastructure and therefore was self-invented by infrastructures. A reality that has evolved is evolving and will continue to evolve. The need for constant infrastructural evolution and the relative freedom that we have to make it reflect our desires is the secret intelligence of this site: if we understand “site” in this context to be a country.

On the basis of this material I have exploited some of the possibilities inherent in this confrontational zone to take it to a logical conclusion that which is already implied to invent what could appear to have been always there.

With the understanding that this is not a final (tomorrow’s development i.e., re-invention will grow out of tomorrow’s pressures) this strategic reformulation of the possible, this perpetual inhabitation of the Zone of What If is our genius loci.

The information used to do this study, is from different, institutes, universities and governmental bodies.

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Density Model Bibliography:


Collected Maps

Source: Rijks Geologische Dienst Haarlen

-general geological map
-general geological cross sections through the Netherlands
-general map applied geology
-shallow faults and top Maassluis formation
-glacial phenomena during the saalian glaciations
-hydro geological map (superficial deposits)
-hydro geological map (the main aquifers)
-saalian glacial deposits and morphology
-fennoscandian crystalline erratics of saalian age
-general nap top Pleistocene deposits in The Netherlands and in The Netherlands sector of the North Sea
- general nap top Pleistocene deposits in The Netherlands

Source: maps of universities

Source: University of Delft faculty of Civil Engineering

-map of maximum wave height in the North Sea (source: Open University of Amsterdam)
-magnetic anomalies
-earthquake epicenters (1600-1970)
-precipitation (mean monthly amount of precipitation 1931-1960)
-evaporation, thunderstorms, sunshine, snow cover,min./ max. temp.
(per average no of days or hours etc.) (1931-1995)
-wind and circulation types (1931-1995)
-biogeographies (nature reserves, insects/ birds etc.)
-forest and nature areas
-polder boards
-drainage basins (1965)
-hardness ground water
-population trends (over time)
-hydrological map of the coast

Source: University of Amsterdam Library

-map of The Netherlands “ok17” 1588
-map of The Netherlands “ok24” 1604
-map of The Netherlands “ok32” 1630
-map of The Netherlands “ok33” 1630

Source: Berlage Instituut library
-map of The Netherlands 1658

Auxiliry sources

Source: CBS central bureau statistics
-neighbourhood maps and population density of the Randstad
-municipalities of the Netherlands

Source: out of the government white paper on Schiphol’s future
-noise contours and safety zones around Schiphol airport

Source: airport Zestienhoven Rotterdam
-flight paths over Holland showing also the Dutch air boundaries and forbidden zones
-flight paths over Holland and the rest of Europe
-radar map pictures

Source: Geotechnics Delft
-schematic geo-technical profile through the Netherlands

Source: Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
-North Sea: monthly average sea surface temperature, June 1993
-Internet satellite picture data

Source: Directoraat-Generaal Rijksluchtvaartdienst
-4 maps of noise contours around Schiphol airport
-maps of aeroplane movements around Schiphol airport

Source: book shop TU-Delft
-Zuidvleugelkaart 96
-ARCAM-kaart (not jet)
-maps from: West 8 “Colonizing the void”

Source: own collection
-polder board map
-satellite remote sensing picture of Holland
-detailed maps of the Randstad (color copies)


“Research activities period 1992-1993 Faculty of Civil Engineering Hydraulic and Geo-technical Engineering” (Delft University of Technology) page 124

M.J.F. Stive “De Kust Is Vrij” (NCK Nederlands Centrum voor Kustonderzoek 1995)

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Ir. H. Peters, Ir. J. M.M. Kokke “Remote Sensing voor het beheer van de kustwateren” (Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Meetkundige Dienst, Dienst getijdewateren)

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Ton Kreukels & Egbert Wever “Dealing with competition: The Port of Rotterdam” (TESG Magazine for Economical and Social Geography) page 294

drs. F. van Eenennaam & drs. R.A. van der Zwart “Van exporteren naar internationaliseren” Internationaal ondernemen no 2, (Strategic Publishing bv. Amsterdam) page 18

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